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How is a confidential domestic partnership established in California?

A confidential domestic partnership shall be established in California when both persons file a Confidential Declaration of Domestic Partnership (Form DP-1A) with the Secretary of State.

How do I establish a domestic partnership in California?

Domestic Partnership (Form DP-1)A domestic partnership shall be established in California when both persons file a Declaration of Domestic Partnership (Form D ) with the Secretary of State. Effective January 1, 2020, all couples regardless of age or sexual orientation that are eligible to be married may register with the California Secreta

What is a confidential declaration of domestic partnership?

A Confidential Declaration of Domestic Partnership is a permanent record not open to public inspection except upon court order. No information regarding a Confidential Domestic Partnership will be provided to partners, including copies of the Declaration once filed, unless one or both partners appear in person or submit a notarized written request.

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